Tipo di associatura: individuale
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Enzo Puliatti has worked for more than 20 years with international organizations, out of which 15 years with the United Nations Development Programme –UNDP- as international staff member being responsible for ICT for Development aimed to improve people's quality of life through IT. During his career he was assigned to formulate, manage and evaluate IT projects and national strategies in more than thirty countries in four continents.
Egypt was his last assignment with the UN as head of the Technical Cooperation Unit of the “UNDP – MCIT ICT Trust Fund”, a joint initiative newly established by the Minister of Communication and Information Technology of Egypt and the United Nations Development Programme in 2002.
He was a founding member of the Internet Society - ISOC -in 1992 and has been instrumental for the early Internet global deployment in the late ‘80s and early ‘90s.
Mr. Puliatti decided to consolidate his values, vision and international experience by establishing IT Synergy in Peru in 1999 and then as an Egyptian shareholding company in 2005. Since 2011 his focus is on leveraging the usage and local implementation of cloud computing and related technologies.
He moved back to Italy in 2016 and his Italian company, ITSYN Srl, is currently focusing on Blockchain and DLTs - Distributed Ledger Technologies.
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